Mr. Zolbrod-Oak Bay Secondary School
Course Description
Biology 11 is a survey course that will examine how life originated, how to classify organisms in a hierarchy and how living things are diverse and evolve over time.. The key topics that will be covered are:
Taxonomy and the study of classifying organisms
Evolution and how life has evolved over time on earth
Ecology and the interrelationships of organisms within an ecosystem
Microbiology - investigating the differences between Viruses and Bacteria
Plant Biology and how they became more complex and adapted to a land environment
Animal Biology and the increasing complexity of animal form and function on the evolutionary continuum
Expectations for Students
In order to have a class where each student can learn and complete daily tasks in a productive atmosphere, every student is expected to:
Arrive on time and be prepared
Work productively in class
Complete ALL assigned work
Contribute to a respectful classroom environment
Biology 11 is an elective course which means that you are not required to take it. Therefore, as a teacher, I presume you have enrolled in this course because you want to be here and are interested in learning about biology. The entire evaluation of this course is based on the premise that you want to learn the material. Marks are cumulative and based on:
Labs, Quizzes and Class Work Assignments (40%)
Test Review Packages (5%)
Tests at the end of units to demonstrate what you have learned (35%)
Final Exam (20%)
Information to Consider
I cannot stress enough the importance of completing all assignments on time and to the best of your ability. You have many many classes to keep track of and will be very busy. Stay current and up to date in order to have success.
Any absence is to be made up during the following FOCUS BLOCK. You are still responsible for the lesson and assigned materials for classes that are missed.
Contact Information
If you wish to contact me regarding an assignment, a long or short term absence, or simply have a question about an assignment, please email me at
I will be available during each FOCUS BLOCK. I will post a schedule indicating where you can find me during these blocks each week.
Remind App
Text @kzbio11 to 250-984-0696